Case Study

Planning for climate change in Peru

12am, October 02nd, 2018
Peru, Latin America and Caribbean

PlanCC (Planning for Climate Change) is a joint initiative of the Peruvian public and private sectors together with civil society and academia with the aim to analyse the feasibility of transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

The process is organized in three phases including: (1) developing mitigation options and long-term scenarios for 2021 and 2050; (2) designing plans, policies and instruments that are “climate friendly”; and (3) implementing these measures in order to catalyse a long-term transformation and to provide an enabling environment for low-carbon investment. The institutional set-up of PlanCC guarantees that people with relevant skills and institutions with relevant mandates are connected to jointly develop and pursue a Peruvian low-carbon development path. Scientific evidence generated within PlanCC feeds directly into the decision-making process of the national government.

The initiative is supported by the Mitigation Action Plans & Scenarios (MAPS) Programme which is collaboration amongst developing countries to establish the evidence base for long-term transition to robust economies that are both carbon efficient and climate resilient.

Key Impact

  • Building mitigative capacity: PlanCC is setting up the framework for a Peruvian low-carbon development but is not a mitigation action plan itself. It aspires to make climate change a priority on the national policy agenda and the process seeks to build and enhance the mitigative capacity of a broad range of national stakeholders to enable them to plan, develop and implement mitigation actions and measures. The process has a long-term focus. Under Phase 1, mitigation scenarios and measures are analysed for 2021 and 2050. During the Phase, actions have had the following impact:
  • Strengthened analytical capacity: People and institutions trained in building mitigation scenarios, GHG emissions modelling, coordination, and planning.
  • Increased political prominence: Climate change is now becoming increasingly important on the country’s political agenda.
  • Improved knowledge: Systematisation of relevant knowledge and experiences on good practices, useful for multi-sector participatory processes in the country.
  • Communication of results: Project results are oriented and communicated to specific groups, such as decision-makers in the public and private sectors, and civil society.

Institutions Involved

  • Ministry of Environment (MINAM)
  • Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RREE)
  • National Center for Strategic Planning (CEPLAN)
  • Libélula (consulting firm)
  • Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios (MAPS)
  • Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation

Source Details

Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)