Case Study

Zambia Development Impact Assessment

12am, September 10th, 2018
Zambia, Sub-Saharan Africa

The Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection led an inclusive multi-stakeholder process in collaboration with the Centre for Energy, Environment, and Engineering of Zambia (CEEEZ) to assess co-benefits of INDC mitigation actions using the Development Impacts Assessment (DIA) visual tool, developed in collaboration with the LEDS Global Partnership.

The tool provides a framework to help stakeholders identify and communicate the impacts (positive and negative) that LEDS actions may have on development priorities thus assisting decision makers in exploring potential trade-offs in policies. The development impact assessment process provided key information to prioritize actions included in Zambia’s INDC, with outputs presented in the document below.

Institutions Involved

Government of Zambia, CEEEZ, USAID, NREL

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