Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in REDD+: principles and approaches for policy and project development
For the past two decades, many development cooperation agencies have been promoting a participatory approach to decision making in their programs. This has seen the emergence of many rich experiences, lessons, tools, and good practices for participatory natural resource management, conservation, and governance. This has certainly been the case for natural resource management projects in Asia commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). For RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests, participatory natural resource management in the Asia-Pacific region has been the focus since its establishment in 1987. In recent years, the call for an approach to development cooperation that is firmly based on the respect for human rights has become stronger and development partners are piloting ways in which such approaches can be adopted in practice. This publication is intended to support such efforts, particularly for those working on REDD+ policy and/or projects.
This publication is targeted at people concerned with the design and implementation of REDD+ projects or programs. The audience includes independent community facilitators or advisors; indigenous and local community leaders; local government staff; project staff/liaison officers; private sector investors; and NGO facilitators, advocates and activists.
It assumes highly literate readers with a basic level of understanding of REDD+ and focuses on the Asia-Pacific region. Divided into three main sections, the publication begins with an overview of REDD+ and the importance of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC). Next is a quick reference section that describes the development of a process that respects Free, Prior, and Informed Consent and summarizes key information. The final guidelines section provides more detailed information on twelve aspects or ‘elements’ of a generic process to respect the right of indigenous peoples and local communities to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent.
Read the publication here: Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in REDD+: principles and approaches for policy and project development
Institutions Involved
- GIZ and RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests