Developing strategies for clean, efficient transport
The Low Emission Transport Toolkit supports development planners, technical experts, and decision-makers at national and local levels to plan and implement low emission transport systems that support economic growth. This toolkit helps users navigate a variety of resources to identify the most effective tools to design and implement climate action in the transport sector.
Globally, the transport sector is responsible today for approximately 23% of total energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, and its emissions are increasing at a rate faster than that of any other sector. With countries and cities facing a rising need for transport services over the coming decades, governments have a unique opportunity to meet this demand and enable economic growth while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of comprehensive policies, behavioral change, and adoption of energy efficient technologies for the transport sector.
Key Action
Media Type
U.S. Department of Energy: Clean Cities
This government-industry partnership aims to advance the energy, economic, and environmental security of the United States by supporting local decisions to adopt practices that reduce petroleum use in the transportation sector through the use of alternative and renewable fuels, fuel economy measures, idle reduction technologies, and new technologies as they emerge.
UNDP-GEF Fuel Cell Bus Programme: Update
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme launched a fuel cell bus deployment program to support commercial demonstrations of buses and fueling infrastructure in large bus markets in developing countries. The program’s objective was to reduce the long-term greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector in GEF program countries.
US highway vehicle information
This webside provide information about highway vehicles (cars and light trucks, heavy trucks, buses, and engines, and motorcycles): fuel economy, emission standards and regulations, emission recall programs, new vehicle certification and in-use vehicle compliance, inspection and maintenance programs, diesel retrofit programs, evaluating the benefits of inventions designed to reduce emissions, and importing vehicles to the United States.
Victoria transport policy institute
The Victoria Transport Policy Institute is an independent research organization dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems. They provide a variety of resources available free at this website to help improve transportation planning and policy analysis.
Well-to-wheels energy use and greenhouse gas emissions analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
For the well-to-wheels analysis, researchers used the Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) model to compare the WTW energy use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with various transportation technologies to those associated with plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
Which comes first: the neighborhood or the walking?
Recent studies show significant connections between suburban sprawl and traffic congestion, air pollution, and obesity. The solution as proposed is simple: redesign suburbs for walking rather than driving, so that people will walk more and drive less, traffic levels will decrease, and physical activity will increase.
World class streets: Remaking New York City’s public realm
This report is part of an ambitious and far reaching effort to place New York at the forefront of urban development. It builds on two previous plans: PlaNYC and Sustainable Streets, the New York City Department of Transportation’s strategic plan. While the previous reports were comprehensive in scope, this document focuses solely on the New York City Department of Transportation public realm strategies.
Worldwide bikesharing
Bikesharing has evolved greatly since the first program was launched in the Netherlands in the mid-1960s. As of May 2011, there were an estimated 136 bikesharing programs in 165 cities around the world, with 237,000 bikes on the streets. In the Americas, bikesharing activity has spread to Canada, Mexico, the US, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Asia, which represents the fastest-growing bikesharing market today, has programs in China, South Korea, and Taiwan. This report summarizes the history, technology, benefit and lessons learned of bikesharing systems worldwide.
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure deployment guidelines: British Columbia
A major component of winning public acceptance for plug-in vehicles is the streamlining of the private electric vehicle charging or supply equipment permitting and installation process as well as the public and commercial availability of charging locations. These guidelines are intended to anticipate the questions and requirements to ensure customer satisfaction.