Developing strategies for clean, efficient transport
The Low Emission Transport Toolkit supports development planners, technical experts, and decision-makers at national and local levels to plan and implement low emission transport systems that support economic growth. This toolkit helps users navigate a variety of resources to identify the most effective tools to design and implement climate action in the transport sector.
Globally, the transport sector is responsible today for approximately 23% of total energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, and its emissions are increasing at a rate faster than that of any other sector. With countries and cities facing a rising need for transport services over the coming decades, governments have a unique opportunity to meet this demand and enable economic growth while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of comprehensive policies, behavioral change, and adoption of energy efficient technologies for the transport sector.
Key Action
Media Type
From the Netherlands to America: Translating the world’s best bikeway designs
The Netherlands is widely recognized for having the highest cycling rates in the world. They do it because after the country started down the path toward car dependence, they made a conscious decision to change course. After many decades of deliberate policy to invest in cycling as a mode of transportation, the Netherlands has the most advanced bike infrastructure you’ll ever see. This follows a group of city leaders from Chicago, Washington, DC and Miami on a study tour of the Netherlands, through the Bikes Belong Foundation’s Bicycling Design Best Practices Program.
Focus on: Vehicle miles traveled fees
This paper discusses the concept of charging motorists on a per mile basis, which has gained some traction in recent years as a potential revenue mechanism to replace state and federal fuel taxes. Pilot projects to test vehicle miles traveled systems in many states are helping to define how they would work.
Fleet electrification roadmap
This resource provides insight and analysis on the economics of electric vehicles for fleet operators and demonstrates targeted opportunities in which innovative models can help make electric-drive vehicles a compelling opportunity for U.S. businesses and government.
Financing sustainable urban transport
This report provides detailed information on available options for financing urban transport. It presents different financing instruments and ways in which they can be best used, and how to optimally combine them
Finalize historic national program to reduce greenhouse gases and improve fuel economy for cars and trucks
This document establish a national program consisting of new standards for model year 2012 through 2016 light-duty vehicles that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve fuel economy. EPA is finalizing the first-ever national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards under the Clean Air Act.
Final Report: Biodiesel initiatives in Germany
This report analyzes the effectiveness and cost efficiency of policy measures to support the market introduction of biodiesel. It includes descriptions of concrete initiatives (especially for biodiesel production plants and fleets using biodiesel) as well as an assessment of biodiesel’s potentials, public acceptance, cost to society, and environmental impacts.
FHWA bicycle and pedestrian program
The Bicycle & Pedestrian Program of the Federal Highway Administration’s Office of Human Environment promotes bicycle and pedestrian transportation use, safety, and accessibility. The program issues guidance and is responsible for overseeing that requirements in legislation are understood and met by the States and other implementing agencies. On this site you can find information about the amount of federal funding spent on pedestrian and bicycle projects in your state, available federal funding sources, existing legislation, and guidance about accessible design.
Feebates: A legislative option to encourage continuous improvements to automobile efficiency
The purpose of this paper is to provide information about feebates. This paper discusses: what a feebate is, why Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) believes a feebate is a valuable tool, recent analysis that RMI had done on feebates, what the current status of the feebate is, and how the feebate could interact with existing laws.
Feebate and scrappage policy instruments
This report presents the results and conclusions of research of two demand-side policy instruments that can help improve the environmental performance of cars: the feebate system and the scrappage policy. This report develops a comprehensive assessment of these policy options at the European Union level, covering all major environmental life-cycle impacts and the different economic impacts.